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Old 19-09-2017, 04:48 PM
lemex lemex is offline
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I don't see balance at all. There could always be more. It is not really one thing but could be other things maybe. The universe is balanced for life I guess. Aliens to maybe. I guess when this is said it is meant everything is perfect for life. Couldn't there be other balances. Take 100 peope are they balanced, some hate and do evil and some love and suffer, and some hate and some love. Some are good and some are bad. In balance, the person who loves knows about need of love, in hate the balance is learning about love. Where is the balance, it is unbalanced in some hate and some love or just love is the balance? You do not need hate to learn about love, teach it. What if a person who went through the experience of balance mentions, you did not teach it. It was not given and I had to learn. So who is learning, who is the teacher. This is where I'm unable to see what is balance. As far as I know from those I know, no one wants to suffer and want the oppoiste. When we talk about the universe being perfectly balanced we don't mean humans do we. We don't look at the human of nature. We still might as well believe the universe is made up atoms not consciousness. So on the nautre side how are brith deffects perfect? To me, how is a pan handler on the street perfect though I understand it a choice they made.

I no longer support and question when I hear that pain and suffering are ok, to know one you have to know the other. The problem with this is one suffers and one does not. You find is ok if you don't suffer, so how is this balance when one is not suffering trying to understand another's suffering.

Here's an example don't people generally ignore a pan handler and avert our eyes ignoring them because by looking into those eyes you know you have an obligation felt inside We know this is the wrong kind of balance and there is no balance. Regarding learning, when told of any suffering would you want to experience it. No, because you see why. If you did not see suffering are you saying you need to see it. Who is experiencing, you or someone else because I the sufferer tell you don't ever experience this and I want out of it. We don't even choose suffering we are given it so it is artficial in many cases. You experience a side and they another, how is that balance if it is not experienced. iow you are saying you must hate to love. We should imo never say we can only understand by experience. There are actually 2 perspective and as an expeniencer and sufferer I would never have chosen the experience, no way, I didn't need to know this, I would have been ok if it never happened, yet people say oh yeah. I always ask when I hear this, ok, you want it, you may. Karma can give it now, cause why, you need balance. Me I'd say no to balance, I don't need it. Experience is unique and yet it is not. No person can have a new experience, an experience another has not had. I find this relavent and meaningful to. Because of the seperation in us another does not experience yet through non experience say others must experience.

We with our words are never quite able to explain even though we speak and a person is told something, don't listen. I have found this out. Where is balance. I also feel we should find balance here as well. If another listened would that fulfull experience because we just don't believe it. Is consioucness as balanced as nature. Is the question really a sign for us becuase it sure does not seem like balance.

Last edited by lemex : 19-09-2017 at 05:51 PM.
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