Thread: Theosophy
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Old 09-04-2016, 12:31 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by Skull
Once heard they are seldom forgotten, and even if rebelled against they have a mysterious power of keeping in the man's mind, until at last, even against his first determination, he is forced to accept them. The appreciation of justice is common to all, and the exact justice of Karma appeals even to the person who is unfortunate enough to be undergoing heavy punishment: even if, ignoring justice, he does good in order to make good Karma, it is well, for he will be reborn under conditions that may favor the coming out of unselfish motive.

"Teach, preach, and practice this good law for the benefit of the world, even as all the Buddhas do."

while all you say sounds good, in my experience it fails on the basis that any attempt to avoid bad karma ultimately just creates a different kind of bad karma. So attempted avoidance of bad karma is not a path I would now tread. I have to live with the consequences for what I do, and that is that.
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