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Old 18-05-2018, 06:53 PM
o0A0o o0A0o is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 131
Proof is part of the foundation for education. You have to determine what something is before you can teach it even if that remains an open question. You have to know where things stand and present it that way. Otherwise you are teaching theory, conjecture, belief as though it is fact. In doing so you also risk misinforming students on appropriate techniques and procedures.

For instance, a very common mistake when people are learning to connect with higher levels is believing you are connecting to spirits / souls of people who have passed over but what is actually taking place is they are tapping into the grid and only accessing recorded information instead of making a connection to the spirit / soul. It is revealed in the feedback. Whether it is a student, a medium or psychic they will describe scenes of that person's life when they were living on this plane. Everything they pick up is from the past. It gets murky and vague when they attempt to get present time communication and frequently is is generic and nothing that hits the nail on the head indicating they are truly aware of current situations in your life. They are trying to fit pieces together that do not go together. If the seeker understood they were linking with the grid instead of the actual spirit / soul of the deceased person they would be better off developing techniques to improve linking with the grid and accessing that information. If they continue to believe they are linking with the spirit / soul of the deceased person they will be wasting a lot of time and energy fruitlessly.

IOW, if you study baseball when you are actually in a football game you will be at a disadvantage. If you know the game you are in and are studying that game you are going to get more out of the experience.

So gathering evidence of what you are doing is a vital step in understanding, spiritual development, the learning process and honing your skills.

As for OBE's train yourself to look for details specific to the environment that can be verified like the whale bone display. Now this could be remote viewing and not an OBE. The verification of an OBE may only be attainable as a personal validation. The OBE inherently feels different than a remote viewing experience. You may have to settle for understanding the difference on your own. The tools to measure and demonstrate one or the other may not exist. But the skill for you personally to sense the difference can be developed.
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