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Old 16-07-2017, 09:20 PM
OnceInALifeTime OnceInALifeTime is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 101
Originally Posted by In Flux
I think it's probably a tactic on his side, a way of saying: I'm interested in you romantically. Refusing to acknowledge your competence and interact with you about business means that he is not playing according to the rules. This can be perceived as a risk taking behaviour (breaking the social conventions), which some people find attractive in a partner. It can also have the aim of making you feel a bit insecure when interacting with him, which can create some romantic tension (because feeling insecure can lead towards wanting to find security with the other person, and being accepted by them).

You hit the nail on the head!

I feel incredibly insecure when I have to deal with him. I know my worth and value. Yet, when I have to interact with him business wise, I find myself questionning my capabilities to the tinest detail, which I never do with other people. I get so insecure to the point where I have anxiety/get scared when I have to reply to an email of his (of course, I reply to his, he doesn't reply to mine).

I find myself trying to "prove" my capabilities to him, going above and beyond what is expected to "impress" him, because I'm so frustrated that he rarely acknowledges me from a business perspective when he acts perfectly professionally towards other people.

I'm incredibly attracted to him, but he triggers insecurities which I normally don't have.

I remember, he was also the one who kept requesting that I'd get a local phone number to put in my signature, so he wouldn't have to search my number in the company directory (I have a phone number, but it is a foreign one, which I am not allowed to disclose in my external signature, for certain reasons).
I was told "P. walked up to me and kept insisting that you'd be provided with a local number, because he doesn't want to search for your name in the directory". I guess this person gathered something was up with him because they said: "We'll provide you with one, so P. can call YOU haha".

He also admitted one day to deleting my email which I never got an answer on. I had to ask him why I didn't get an answer and his response was "I can't locate it, I must have deleted it".

I'm not sure how to behave.
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