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Old 11-04-2019, 08:02 PM
Mila Ru Mila Ru is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 32
It is possible but not in the way you are imagining it. You can only change future timelines that you are currently syncing with. You may be syncing with a timeline that is terrible in every sence, then, something changes deep withing and you start to sync with a timeline where everything is awesome! People do experience it, but nothing too big in the personal life ever changes, mostly it is about collective memories that some remember different from others. As for your dog, ask for Divine to bring it back and they bring back their soul in another pet (or another dog) as long as you keep doing your work in developing that being too! Be in that timeline, what about that? I've heard many times about pets coming back in other pets (similar to reincarnation but simpler), just be open to it and it will manifest.
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