Thread: Brain and Heart
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Old 09-07-2019, 08:37 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Originally Posted by freebird
What about the relation between mental illness or dementia brain and spirit?

If we consider a human being as a mental and emotional body functioning through a physical brain them mental illness may be due to a disconnection between the subtle bodies and the brain, or the problem may lie within the brain itself. As an analogy, a faulty radio may not properly tune into radio frequencies, so the resulting sound is distorted.

Dementia may have many causes, including the build up of toxins such as mercury or aluminium within the body. Dementia seems to be more common now, perhaps because more people are living longer so more people are reaching an age where their faculties begin to deteriorate. And these are people who have been exposed to greater environmental toxins than previous generations.

There is a school of thought which considers that in some cases the Soul may turn its attention away from the physical form which has outlived its purpose. So intelligent awareness withdraws from the body although the life connection remains. So the person becomes a living shell, running on the instinctive intelligence of the physical body, repeating old patterns and memories, but mostly lacking intelligent awareness. It may only be at the moment of death that the Soul will return its focus to the physical form, and there are many anecdotes of people with dementia suddenly becoming lucid again just before they die.

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