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Old 20-04-2019, 07:05 AM
Altair Altair is offline
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Some thoughts....

I think it's good to have some 'balance' yes! We live in an amazing world, there's incredible complexity in society and nature and then there's at least 2+ trillion galaxies ((let that sink in)). All worthwhile to enjoy and grasp.. This is our story collectively with every other piece of the universe..! Bask in its glory..

And you go chase the worldly things like sex and other pleasures. Yes, if you get obsessed with this than it can hinder you spiritually, making you restless.. and forget to relax and go within.. but most of us don't live on either extremes of an ascetic monk versus a hedonist..

I have to disagree with Linen on the young and old souls. If would mean everyone who's still young physically would be a 'young soul' and not ''advanced'', whereas ''being old'' would be a sign of spirituality, because it's true that young people chase more. Can or should we reduce spiritual growth to one's testosterone levels or virility..? One can be old, a celibate, or a recluse but do these things make one live and advance spiritually..?

Is not the 'soul' eternal, so how can there be 'young' or 'old'..? Perhaps only our perception of a separate being is..

I see spiritual people ((not specifically here, but in general over the years..)) talking the talk about cessation of attachment, desire etc. but not always walking the walk.. because you would have to renounce many things you still deem ''necessary'', like certain foods, habits, and activities. And to do it completely you would have to live in a monastery as a monk if you were serious about your perception of ''I am very advanced spiritually''.. IMO!

The rest of us try and balance things..

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