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Old 16-03-2018, 10:15 PM
aimtobe aimtobe is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Missouri
Posts: 270
Rover: A Unique Pet Relationship

I just wanted to share my past experience with a previous cat of mine. We named his Rover. Here is how he got his name.

Before he was born, I would always have the mother laying on my chest. Never did this before, and never did it after that pregnancy. (She had many litters.) As soon as the kitten could walk, this kitten always followed me, ran after me, etc. It was as if I was his momma. We decided, because of this very obvious connection, we would keep him around (I only wish we had the money to get him fixed, because I miss him now.) He insisted on sleeping in my bed with me, or at least in my room. No other cat (or any pet) has ever done that.

I remember at some point later thinking about what reason I could say to explain our connection. It could be that I spent so much time with him physically near my heart while he was still in the womb. I've also considered perhaps it was a close and dear past life relationship finding itself again in this lifetime. I've also heard of other similar relationships between pets and owners. One in particular, was convincing that it was the owner's deceased husband coming back to her.

Whatever the kind of relationship was between me and Rover, it was very special. I miss him. The last time I saw him was probably around 10 years ago. And I'm curious if Rover and I will ever reunite in the future. I'm curious if it was that kind of relationship.
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