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Old 14-07-2017, 08:03 PM
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Originally Posted by H:O:R:A:C:E
here's some material which is similar to the Law of Attraction Reamac.
Some of the Core Concepts of Bashar
Thanks for the link!!!!!
I dismissed this whole Bashar thing as a kooky hoax years ago when I first came across it. But reading through the material in this link now, I am shocked by how much sense it makes in the light of everything I have learned about it the last couple of years. I have not gotten through all of it, but I can say that I would have laughed it off a couple years ago but now I find myself reading it and saying yes, yup, that makes sense. The part about external reality becoming a refection of internal reality is one of the truly surreal experiences of my life. This became apparent to me in a way I would never have believed possible until events lined up in a way that I could not deny. If a few things happen to me that are against the odds it is not such a big deal, but when it starts seeming like the universe is functioning on your behalf (or against it) it blows the mind and you start thinking this is impossible, I must be going nuts. I started trying to come up with an explanation of reality that could make sense of it and ended up coming to most of the conclusions that are in that link, although through other sources... and not just new age spirituality sources.... hard science sources as well. I always had a sense that all the **** that was happening in my life was meant for something, (the odds of it all unfolding the way it did were just too long to be random chance) now I am seeing I needed it to crack through my hard scull of what I thought I knew to open me up to other possibilities. Feel like I am having one of those moments of realization. Can't wait to spend some more time with this.
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