Thread: Healing chakras
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Old 23-07-2019, 02:39 PM
Lucky Lucky is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 527
Agreed with both lomax and FairyCrystal. To add to what FairyCrystal said about the sacral chakra, it is also the chakra that governs how we relate and connect to others as well as our ability to feel into others, like our feeling/emotional center. So as FairyCrystal said, this makes it a very important chakra! You can imagine that all of our relationships (not just romantic relationships) past and present, and how we relate to them get filtered through this center, not to mention interactions with new people we meet and how we relate or connect to them...that's a lot to process!

As lomax said, more or less, to begin to heal this chakra is to address the underlying emotions, thoughts and mental constructs we have developed over time. This is not a quick and easy process, and often times as with any chakra healing, once you think you've done a good job of clearing out most of the junk, a similar experience will trigger your old emotions and thinking patterns as a way of giving you the opportunity to really overcome it. It really is an ongoing process of maintaining balance and being aware.
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