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Old 22-02-2011, 04:35 PM
Posts: n/a
It was weird cause i have a connection that has been explained in a couple ways.

first i was able to look into my birth chi to birth my dragon. with the same conectoin to past events, even after it was stolen from me.

then the other night i had a dragon come to me while i was in bed talking to a spirit. then the spirit told me this is one place i go to when i am on there side. to this dragon that sits out side of this cave. a great dragon of infinit eternalness. and that when i go to him we have meny a long conversatoins. i give him fruit from this near by tree. and that i sleep with him. i cuddle up in between his legs and agents his belly and we take life long naps with each other. then i felt this dragons presence, it felt like a dark colored being and he laid behind me and nuzzled me into his belly. so i scooted back in the featle possoin as i was cuddling into his belly. it felt as if he looked me over as a father looking over a son. then he laid his head down above mine and i was out. i woke up still laying next to him and i slept so good. i didnt dream for the first time in a year and a half. it was an amazing experience. the spirit said i deserved it and it was gift, she wanted me to see one of my planes on that side. and said i could use his compassion. it truly was a great feeling.
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