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Old 24-10-2017, 03:28 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 6,417
so much of it is unconscious and happens automatically... even if you fix the 'thoughts' there is so much more going on in terms of physical reaction. I feel like you could easily spend a lifetime on this one simple thing: learning not to judge. Because unfortunately that isn't the only pressing problem... for example I could fight with my desire to judge which leads to a whole other host of problems because now I'm into fighting instead of judging. Likewise with the much venerated 'letting go' of the problem. Things aren't as pretty as they seem in that land either, as it turns out. And there is other stuff that seems worthy of doing but really isn't.

Personally, if I wasn't so sensitive I might be able to convince myself that if I didn't see it happening I wasn't doing it any more... but I'm unfortunately way too sensitive to even be able to deny that I see what I see.
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