Thread: Divine body
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Old 18-12-2015, 12:44 AM
Melahin Melahin is offline
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@Rah_nam it is not that I see it differently, I just understand it in different terms? The way I understand it all energy is self serving... thus it will always move towards balance like the river running towards the sea. For what is coming I understand it as a heart world meaning there has to be resonance between your heart and the heart of the world. The image I get is that of the abode of the Norse God Baldr. If you entered it with ill content in your heart you would become uneasy... if you stayed long enough it would lead to disease... the new world will be kind and abundant to those who serve the world, while those who refuse will as you say: have to leave. The question is how long the transition phase will be... and also how all these things will play out... and how all my desires in this unfold
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