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Old 17-10-2017, 05:35 AM
Inika Inika is offline
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These are the most common 'signs' Compiled from internet/websites/pages/personal & other life experiences/groups etc)

*Note: remember to Verify that what you experienced/feel is true.*

Some main Signs of a *TWIN FLAME* connection are::

==1:: Sensing/knowing the emotions of your TF from afar.
This means:
You just "know"/sense what your TFs 'current' emotional state is or how
they have been feeling lately.
Even though you may not always know the cause just. (However sometimes you do know.) **Without any hints.
*AND when you check on it, you can verify it and know it is/was true.

==2:: Sensing/knowing the whereabouts of your TF from afar.
This means:
You feel/sense WHERE they are or 'what they are doing' or are involved in at that moment or that day/week/month.
Without any hints.
*And you are later able to Verify it.

==3:: You feel a very BIG PUSH to Create/get creative
This means:
After finding them, you feel suddenly inspired to create as if they triggered something. This feels like a VERY *BIG PUSH* and its noticed by you as something *unusual*, not a typical inspiration.
You are filled with new more elaborate Ideas.
You realize the inspiration comes from them or from being around them. It feels odd as well.
*This happens in whatever you do not just art*, yet this does seem to be a very big sign mostly for those who are Artistic.

==4:: You can sense who/what is causing your TFs emotions from afar.
This means:
When you sense your TFs emotions, you also know *What person or what situation* is causing the feelings that you sense that your TF is experiencing.
*WITHOUT being told/having a logical way of knowing/ANY hints.
*Again you are later able to Verify it.

==5:: Creating the same type of art/artistic message in the same sorts of ways.
This means:
{For artistic tfs} You and your TF (without knowing it) end up creating the same artistic message or ART.
Using the same/similar methods of creating/communicating to others - or 'dreaming the same things up' BEFORE knowing your TF is dreaming the same ideas.
(NOTE you do NOT know what they are creating before you create your art.)
*No hints etc.
This can include using the same symbols/ideas, or even seeing their art in a dream and thinking it's your idea, writing the same story/character/storyline or 'strangely' creating the same things.

==6:: It seems you've always been drawn to their life story/personal details.
This means:
Before finding them you were always drawn deeply to where your TF lives/resides and to the sorts of things that they have been through or the types of stories that they would have told you about themselves before you even meet them.
(again no hints, no logical explanations and must Verify it is true)
(1 TF reported that her tf actually wrote a story based on her life *down to exact details* without him even knowing her yet.)

==7:: Many many synchronicities/coincidences that can't be explained.
This means:
Synchronicities and such happen before and after meeting your Twin Flame.
When later looking into your past you may see more you never noticed.
--desiring something (like a hotpink Jeep with green lights on the back)
though not quite understanding WHY, and then learning later that your TF just went and got that EXACT car.
--or feeling strongly like your tf is passing below you while you are on a bridge, feeling an urge to go look, and at that very moment seeing them as they pass by (sometimes while looking up at you).
This list goes on and on..
Remember TFs have "synchronicities" that stand out because they are uncommonly ODD.

==8:: Experiencing Dreams/Visions that concern your TF even when you are not spiritually gifted and have never had dreams/visions.
--A Dream/vision of your TF's exact face before ever having met/seen them. OR an exact face of one of their loved ones.
--A dream/vision of your TF with you vividly as if real (that either comes true or can be verified that they had the same dream without you telling them).
(Note that not all dreams of your TF are actually happening yet
many report that they have met in dreams they both remember later.)
--Dream/vision of an actual DETAILED building/city/location before realizing later it is where they work or live/where they were/or its important to their life.
**Before ever visiting those places yourself or even knowing they exist or any hints.**
(Remember to Verify)

==9:: Past or Future type Dream/Vision
This means:
Once you know your TF you get a dream/vision or just know (without being told) about what happened to them in their past, or what will happen to them in the future.
=THE PAST (what they've gone through/childhood/memories/people)
=THE FUTURE (what you just KNOW will happen to them and even when).
This can feel like you are psychic etc.
Remember that these are things you should not logically know (*no hints*).
Example (future) knowing they will have a new baby in 11 months (you may even know the baby's name/gender/details)
Example (past event) knowing/seeing/sensing a memory that happened
to them as a kid and finding out LATER that it is true.
*Remember to Verify it*

==10:: Sensing your TF's Present issue (with NO HINTS at all).
This means:
Once you know your TF you know/sense/dream/etc (without being told)
what is going on with them right now in the present
(from afar, no hints).
--Example (present event) You find yourself praying for someone you can only call "him or her" to do something specific for your TF (unsure why) and then later finding out who "him or her" was and why it was important.

==11:: The Mirror Effect.
This is a big one.
This means:
When you encounter your TF you suddenly notice that person is showing
you a side of yourself that you may or may not want to see.
Inner truths/secrets/things you never stopped to realize about yourself.
Sometimes darker things, sometimes secrets, sometimes shared good things.
=This is simply you looking at them but SEEing a reflection of something in you that you both share. Feeling and knowing that it is true. **(This is usually very sudden and NOT VERBAL and when it happens it us usually off topic. This is not a conversation it's something seen.)
Twin Flames will mirror inner truths about themselves to one another in many different ways/expressions/etc*
*These are things you suddenly realize once you see it in them/their eyes.
The things you see feel very un-deniable and that can cause some to run or to go right to denial or not want to talk about it/cut off communication. One tf may not even know that the other tf saw anything.
Please note:
What I call "the mirror effect"
does not apply to *physical things* like having the same eye color or birthmark in common.
The mirror effect is based on heart/behavior/mind.
The TF will reflect things about your 'self' by demonstrating them themselves (to you) or by showing you (NON-verbally) a part of themselves that you have to (sooner or later) admit is also something in you.
Or sometimes it occurs simply when you look in their eyes.
***These things are usually are "things to work on" or issues/painful things.. BUT sometimes they are "things that help you love yourself" because when you love your tf you end up loving that part of them and then that unconditional type love will come back to you loving you.
TF's many times show you darker sides in you that you may not want to see or know about but sometimes these things are good things to cherish that you have or are or share.
ALSO when you see these things you may not realize you share the same thing yet. You may go right into denial and only realize it later. And when you see it you'll usually see that what you just saw is not seen by anyone else, *you are the only one that SEES it*.
*Again no Hints and always VERIFY it.*

First true separation comes with VERY strong pains.
This means:
If you and your TF suddenly separate 'or run away' from one another for some reason,TFs report feeling a great pain in their heart and soul that can even end up feeling physical.
Great love can do this too. However its hard to explain why 2 twin flames not in a romance or that close can separate and feel that same pain.
You may not even understand why you feel that much pain at the time.
The pain usually felt is typically described as a type of grief that seems worse than grief felt over any others OR as if some part of their soul was torn/ripped away.
It can pass in a day/week. The effects can last longer however if the person does not deal with the pain. It is important to remember that even though some TFs need to separate that TFs are never totally without eachother because they share a connection that doesnt quite make sense. It is just always there.

==13:: The TF connection feels like you fell into an ODD Wonderland.
This means:
The strangeness of a tf connection cannot be rivaled.
Things can get so very strange between the 2 twin flames that they end up running fast away from one another. This is usually because at first the connection feels "crazy", "impossible" or a lot like "the twilight zone" or "wonderland" or the "land of Oz".
(AKA Just to weird/odd/strange to handle)
="twin flame" experiences seem to completely deny LOGIC, and our brain sees that the experiences may change what we think we know about "the way the world works" or "what love is supposed to lead to or be like aka romance", etc. so it is very natural for the mind/ego to try to run away/make it go away.
Just remember that TFs *revolve around the connection* and not a relationship..Tf's are Tf's and keep experiencing things with or without a relationship.

==14:: Physical contact/silent moments reveal things you suddenly "know".
This means:
Not dreams/visions/premonitions but simple things like..after touching a hand or LOOKING IN THEIR EYES suddenly you know (*for absolute certain*) quite PRIVATE things about your twin flame that they never brought up, talked about or hinted at.
((this can include their own important memories)).
*Example: looking at your TF and seeing her/his daughter you never knew he had or looking at your TF and seeing a painful loss.
=You were*NEVER told/*not discussed/*NO hints.
*ALWAYS make sure to Verify that what you see is true.

==15:: Knowing something you shouldn't about someone close to your TF.
This means:
Before or after you encounter your TF you find that you just know something about someone close to them.
This can happen seeing that person in passing before you meet them or your TF. Before they are even mentioned or you are EVER told your twinflame has ever known them.
(I believe we see these things because they are part of our TFs life.)
Knowing your TF has a sister they arent close with, OR a son with red hair who is about 8.
Example: Seeing someone who is close to your TF (not knowing they know one another) and knowing that person is going to die in a certain way.
You usually do not know why you know and it can feel very ODD.
This happens with your TFs family or best friends
*That you have never met, and could never have guessed.
*These are things that LOGICALLY you should not know.
*Remember no hints, and always VERIFY.

==16:: A sense you will be together after life is gone.
This means:
There is a very STRONG strong sense you Will be together in heaven.
Together once eternity starts, when you pass on after this life.
(You feel this even if you don't want to admit to the TF connection,
or are running, or even don't want to like them yet.) It's just there.

==17:: Some report a feeling that their TF is nearby when they are not.
This means:
One TF feels like their TF is physically nearby.. either in the room or next to them or in the house etc even though their TF is far away.
Some Twin Flames sometimes feel their TF is "around" describing physical feelings in RARE instances. Some describe it as a touch to the heart/some say more.
*Important: Remember to *VERIFY* that they felt it TOO etc.

==18:: Strong feeling that the connection is spiritual.
This means:
The TF feels a certain sacredness and spiritual element to the connection. Feeling as if God is involved/it feels like a Blessing of some kind.
This feeling happens sometimes before the TF admits to anything TF.
It's just a feeling that seems to always be there in each case.

==19:: You end up deeply learning about yourself just by having met your TF.
This means:
After connecting someway with them, you WILL end up learning more about YOURSELF. {Especially concerning the mirror effect. -see above-}
*This happens WITHOUT a conversation*.
They end up teaching you about YOU in ways other people never did or just can't.
{ this is not about conversation or mentoring etc, this is about what you learn from them just by knowing they exist/who they are/etc and what you see about yourself when you look at them or look at how you react to them.}

==20:: Explaining the close connection using words for family.
Some Twin Flames end up referring to one another as "brother OR sister" before they know the term for the connection. Some describe the unconditional love they have for their TF as the same type of love they feel for their children *because it is, both are unconditonal love*.
**They may also use the term "soul mate" but a soul mate is VERY
different type of relationship.**
What is a Soul Mate?
Soul mates can see the soul.. you can see their soul and connect and they can see your soul and connect and many times this develops into a lifetime romance and great love (or life mate or best friend relationship.)
TwinFlames however reflect and they also know and experience things that are EXTREMELY odd to know and experience. This is why many TFs run away from one another. Therefore most of the time the situation remains a connection instead of a romance etc. TFs revolve around the connection while soulmates revolve around the relationship.

PREMONITIONS about your TFs family/spouse/kids.
This means:
You end up knowing something about someone in the inner family circle.
This can be: Births, deaths, sicknesses, or even what they look like before you meet them, or how many kids there are and how old they are, or what sort of relationship your TF has with one of them etc etc.
It can even mean you sensing something about their future.
This can happen before you even meet them/before you even know they exist.
This can also include their Emotions.
ODDLY there can be family members who pick up on things about you (RARE).
These are the people closest to your TF.
-what you dreamed would happen to your child happens to theirs.
-you sense what is happening to *that loved one* (*with no hints.
-you sense what is Going to be happening to them *with no hints.
-you know/sense what has happened to them *with no hints.
example: you suddenly know there was an accident with a specific person.
-You have a dream or vision of what that person looks like *before knowing.
==These are usually highly emotional situations =
and you may know "it" LONG before it even occurs. Note: You may not
want to tell your TF what you sense/know because it is to emotional or private for that person or for your TF.

==22:: Things/people just pause or stop even in the busiest places.
This means:
When you and your twin flame are *nearby to one another or with one another* you may notice the eyes of 'everyone' are literally upon you
**even in the busiest of places**.
Things seem as if they have gone Quiet suddenly or still for you for a moment or more because you are both interacting in SOME sort of way.
*AND at that moment it seems very odd.
It can kind of make you laugh because of how odd it is.

==23:: "telepathy"
Some TFs report experiencing telepathy AKA reading/knowing/hearing thoughts from the other or the other reading/hearing/knowing their thoughts.
This can mean:
You are thinking something about them (or towards them) and you suddenly get a call from them that is *asking about what you were just thinking*
BEFORE you say anything or even hint about what you are thinking, your TF already somehow knows. And not in the typical way. In the below way..
You can be both talking about all the types of dogs and suddenly for SOME reason you 'want' to talk about the WEATHER ON MARS.
(Note: TOTALLY off topic *no hints given that you were thinking of that)
and the TwinFlame will...
1. know the totally OFF TOPIC topic before you start talking *and they then ask you about it or tell you they know.
2. ANSWER YOUR question about mars weather before you even ask or start talking about it.
OR 3. if they do not know you are around or in the room they may believe and act as if it was only their idea/their thought by beginning to talk about it or act on it. (This is usually pretty funny). So in the middle of the dog talk THEY suddenly want to talk about the weather on Mars
(just like you did) not realizing that was your thought.
These experiences seem like a shared thought or that your TF heard you in their heart and knew without verbally asking.
**and the more ODD the instance the more of a sign it is. This kind of "shared thought" can happen in more things than just conversation.

==23:: Running into one another every few years almost by the clock.
This means:
Most Twin Flames report running into one another every few years even if they live in completely different states or countries. (If you are in the same city then its not quite that hard to meet up, but running into eachother when you both live so far from eachother can be very ODD)
Meeting randomly every 4 or 7 etc years almost by the clock. This doesn't mean going to a place that you have visited with them, but rather just "running into them" or even knowing they are around and then going in that direction and seeing them.

==24:: A deep feeling that life has a mission to find.
This means:
Most Twin Flames report that they have felt led to help other human beings/animals or causes most of their life. Even before meeting their TF.
TFs have a tendency to feel that life is about serving people or helping the world. Many feel life HAS TO have a purpose, and that purpose is to help others. This feeling is usually intensified when TFs encounter one another.
They may share the same idea or have 2 different visions of how to attack the same sorts of problems. Some TFs arent quite ready to begin a mission while the other is.
Patience is key.
The sign is more about the heart/soul DESIRE to do something and not the actual act of being able to do it.
=Some call this feeing "the mission" BUT yet not all TFs end up in a romance or lifemate relationship to do a mission together, and they actually find out that in their case they may do best in their given calling/mission/purpose when they're not "around" their twin flame aka pinned by being in their TFs everyday life..
(twin flames are not always going to end up in a "romance") {Yet always stay connected}

==25:: Love towards the people your TF loves.
This means:
You develop love and deep caring for those your TF loves. Even when it makes "no sense" to others to do so.
Their love becomes your loving feeling. You'd do anything for those people. This can include your TFs parents, kids or spouse.
This can seem odd to others, but it's just the unconditional love for your TF showing itself by truly loving those that they love.
You smile when you think of them. You smile when you think of what they do to help your TF. Your heart explodes with happiness if a baby is born or if someone sick gets better. You develop admiration for the spouse and understand the love because you end up caring about that person too.
All things that we are told don't happen. Well they do.

how many here know the other as their twin flame has and does experience this list with you. not through assumption but through fact from their mouth?
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