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Old 10-07-2019, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by JosephineBloggs

I was listening to this discription of it the other day:
It is unfortunate that it has become difficult to find one group of minds that is willing to both contemplate the physics and its metaphysical implications. If a physicist wants to be taken seriously now days, then "shut up and calculate" seems to be the demeanor of the day, at least in public circles. The physicists and engineers race away to develop a quantum computer. Faithful that such an invention will add to the overall good in the world. Those who invented the radio, television, and internet, felt similarly that their inventions would transform the world for the better. I read that more and more physicists are starting to feel it is ok to publically contemplate the meaning behind the discoveries they uncover, I think if true this is good and perhaps timely. It seems to be a matter of faith that once made physically manifest, a quantum computer will bring forth a kind of progress into the world where 7.3 billion quantum computers all manifesting simultaneously into the physical world have so far failed. Perhaps it will, or perhaps it will succeed in achieving what those countless billions of computers have failed to do, though not for a lack of trying, the elimination of self.
Hopefully the statue will inspire more to stop for a moment and wonder at what it all means, and perhaps give them the courage to ask the questions in public. We are all Shiva's, we are all lords of our dance, both dancer and choreographer of our own and each others dance.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."
Albert Einstein

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