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Old 31-12-2010, 07:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Kapitan_Prien,

There's quite a bit of interesting information on that site. Thanks for providing the link. I just discovered it today.

I agree. If Christianity would just come clean on their history I think it would be embraced more than denigrated by a majority of the human population.

My family is some of the most devout Christians I know but they refuse to analyze this sort of information objectively as if it's work of the devil or something, attempting to lead people away from God. It's almost as if they are brainwashed into behaving that way out of fear. After all, according to this information, people have been baked with fear, suppressed and punished by torture and death or banishment from society at the bare minimum for questioning the doctrine for more than 1000 years. At some point it had to become deeply ingrained....

Other than religion they are some of the smartest folks I know when it comes to rational thinking but the rationality seems to diminish rapidly when discussing anything that appears anti-Christian to them.

The way I see my research into these matters is comparable to sitting on a jury (which I have done). In order to make an objective decision a jury has to listen to all arguments from both sides and review all evidence. Without objectively approaching any controversial subject how can one possibly reach a rational decision? In this case ‘decision’ may be a choice/change of belief(s), which maybe the root problem.

So you’re probably right….I wouldn’t want to hold my breath either. However, I must admit I am pleasantly surprised to see many who claim to be Christians on this forum willing to look at the evidence.

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