Thread: health concern
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Old 11-05-2011, 05:51 PM
Posts: n/a
I was listening to an alluring song that brought up the idea that one might change even physically in order to align with their counterpart. And it’s surprising for me that love can affect us at such a profound level . I mean, even in disturbing manners besides all the challenging and prolific aspects.

These are the lyrics:
[...] Incandescent light at doors
In adolescent menopause
In little clicks you got the music stops
The needle sticks and the penny drops
The summer's gone before you know
The muffled drums of relentless flow
You're looking at stars that give you Vertigo
The sun's still burning and dust will blow
Honey scars I'll keep you near
Our blood is gold nothing to fear
We killed the time and I love you dear
A kiss of wine we'll disappear
The last of the last particles
Divisible invisible
The last of the last particles
Divisible invisible

Massive Attack - Splitting The Atom

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