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Old 09-02-2018, 12:22 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Originally Posted by Gem
I thought what is called 'the direct approach' is the meditation Ramana called 'self inquiry'.

What is usually meant by the direct approach is a response to seekers that points to all states being Oneness, including whatever state the seeker is already in, so nothing to be done because whatever is done will not be more or less Oneness than that which already is the case.

The problem can arise however that seekers find elements of the state they are in, and what they see in the world around them, unacceptable, so have difficulty regarding those elements as Oneness manifest. Eventually there is submission, as the inevitability that there is no alternative proposition prevails, and all is gathered in as Oneness manifest and the feeling of disconnection ends, even from those difficult elements.
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