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Old 29-01-2020, 11:19 AM
jerrygg38 jerrygg38 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 36
The Spiritual Dimension

I just finished my latest book "The Dual Light-Speed Universe and the Dot-Wave Theory with Quantum Entanglement 2020" which is now available on Amazon. It has a fancy title but it is written from an engineering perspective. All equations are algebraic. My latest philosophic book in 2019 was "The Dot-Wave Theory and the Dual Light Speed Universe". On this forum I will discuss the spiritual dimension and our interaction with it.
Science is based upon experiments with our light speed Cs universe to verify our theories. It is therefore based upon what we see and measure. Our instruments at the present time do not readily and directly pick up the spiritual dimension. What is the spiritual dimension?
Einstein and Bohr looked at the universe from two different viewpoints. Both had theories and results based upon there two different viewpoints. Both were correct up to a point. The problem is that the universe does not have a time dimension. There was no before or after the universe. The universe always existed. It is just light speed Co energy and light speed Cs energy where Cs= 18833Co.
Ultra high light speed energy Cs flows into a pinpoint and is transformed into light speed Co/Cs energy. Our universe has five basic dimensions X, Y, Z, Co, and Cs. The physical work consists of dot-waves which oscillate between the Co dimension to the Cs dimension and back.
Einstein’s space time equations are correct but the physics is incorrect. An object that moves toward a velocity near the speed of light spends more of its travel distance in the Cs dimension. In that dimension its clock does not tick. This produces Einstein’s special relativity equations. An moving frequency source has a forward Doppler where the frequency is higher in the front and lower in the rear. The geometric mean of the Doppler is Einstein’s equations. The two light speed dimensions are interconnected to produce a single mass which is the geometric mean.
Our Co/Cs universe constantly radiates Cs energy into the Cs dimension. A black hole keeps radiating and eating up the Co/Cs particles in our universe. Thus over time the universe will slowly become the original Cs photonic universe. It will expand toward infinity and then converge to the next big bang. The normal cycle time according to my calculations is 1088 billion years.
We live the physical dimension but also in the spiritual dimension. The spiritual dimension interconnects us with our collective groups. Religions form groups. Even this forum produces groups of spiritually interconnected people. To understand our various religions, we must look at the formation of our Gods which are our spiritual collectives. No God was necessary to produce the universe. Since time is not a dimension all we have is Co and Cs energy which transform into each other. Our Gods upon this Earth came from the Cs dimension. They evolved from the animal Gods.
According to Carl Jung the noted psychiatrist, we have a dual brain which contains the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. People such as myself hear inner voices and have vivid dreams. This is caused by communications between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. In my case I have hypo-manic mind such that I can bring myself to an excited state and communicate between my two sections of my brain. At 81 years of age I no longer have the ability to have direct communication while I am awake. I still have vivid dreams. MY unconscious mind is always working and solving problems while I am asleep. It is also in contact with the spiritual dimension which I call the collective consciousness. Thus there is a collective entity which I call the God of Humanity. Within that God are the smaller collectives which are the Gods of man.
The Gods of man originate at different prophets of God who form groups. Some of us interact with the highest God but most of us interact with the lower levels of God, the Gods of man. All Gods are quite valid and in death we flow into our Gods. However everyday we interact with our Gods which absorb us.
There are many possibilities for our existence after death. The most simple one is that we are absorbed by our Gods and become part of our Gods. Thus we become part of a collective future existence. Any questions so far?
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