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Old 24-10-2017, 12:37 AM
Sorai Rai Aorai Sorai Rai Aorai is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 661
That’s a beautiful question, a1. I can’t wait to see Sparrow’s response to it, and to my question.

Originally Posted by a1candidate
Dear Sparrow,

I would like to know why music, the art of organizing tones and sounds in succession, is able to evoke such a wide range of pleasant feelings in me. Why do I experience these emotions at a deep level only when playing (or listening to) music, but not when I am looking at a natural landscape or reading a poem?

When I listen to the fugues and other contrapuntal works of J.S. Bach, I sometimes feel as if his compositions might have been divinely inspired, perhaps emanating from someone or something of the spirit world. Are there any musicians in the spirit world and do you think it is good for someone to dedicate his or her life on Earth (and possibly thereafter) to the pursuit of music?

Thank you very much for your response :)
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