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Old 30-04-2015, 10:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Celtic cross spread interpretation regarding relationships

I apologize for my english in advance. :)

I was wondering how should the relationship question about two people be interpreted if the first card is a court card? does it mean the reading is "based" on that person from that relationship or that court card shouldn't be interpreted as a person? How to read a spread if it is not about a certain person, but a couple or a situation?

Here is the specific spread - the question was if the two people who had something going on would get physical (ever) again

1 concern - King of Wands
2 crossing - 9 of cups
3 objective - 6 of cups
4 thoughts and feelings - Queen of swords
5 past - 9 of wands
6 immediate future - the tower
7 attitude about the question - ace of wands
8 outside influences - 10 of wands
9 hopes and fears - 8 of pentacles
10 final outcome - the world

So does this mean the guy from the relationship has someone new ( 9 of cups crossing and queen of swords ), after a bad reationship in his past ( 9 of wands ). and the querent (girl) can't accept that ( 6 of cups ). if the first 2 cards are interpreted as a new relationship of this guy and someone else does the tower represent their breakup or it is connected to querent? how to interpretate the rest of the cards? and if I interpret the first 2 cards as a relationship not related to querent how to interpretate the final outcome the world?

how would you interpretate this spread?

thank you very very much
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