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Old 02-10-2006, 12:00 AM
Posts: n/a
devolution - - Soul will believe anything that It believes. Which - - sounds like an "odd" statement - - but it is true. If Soul believes It needs to stay in a somewhat limbo state - - It will - - for a long, *long* time ! !

As I told Fiona - - many will move on to other bodies and be reincarnated again. Much of it depends on how far that particular Soul has unfolded. Soul has nothing but "time" on Its side. It can do most anything that It wants to do.

I must admit - - I never gave teleportation much thought - - but - - after quickly considering it - - there would be little difference in having the physical body teleported somewhere and having its "owner" follow along - - because It would be in on where the physical body was being transported in the first place - - as what Soul does every night when it leaves the body during the dream state - - and returns - - often with some disorientation, dizziness, headache, etc. All a "settling in" process.

I am guessing - - it could work.

I am also guessing - - that there would be a few astral entities that would love to hijack a body en route. In fact - - you could almost count on it.

You can just see what lies ahead for mankind.

The only way to stay above what lies in the future is to do just that. To stay above it ! ! Stay out of it. Don't get caught up in it. If people go along for the ride on this one - - they will accept the varying beliefs / theories / concepts as valid and true - - and be a part of their perpetuation.

All - - simple choice. But - - now is the time to make such choices.

In my very humble opinion.