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Old 10-09-2017, 12:07 AM
linen53 linen53 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
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My Genes Made Me Do It!

At the place I had my genetic testing done, I have volunteered to help in research by answering a series of questions on occasion.

This last round had a few questions that, later, got me to thinking.

The questions were:

How easily do you lose your temper?

How impatient are you?

Our genes determine that? So I just did a cursory search online. Come to find out 20% of us have the (or is it an "a"?) alpha-2B adrenergic receptor that affects our sensitivity and emotions.

So yes, if I have this gene I can get mad quicker.

Of course environment, family background and life experiences also affect how we respond.

Lets say I grew up in a very calm, nurturing environment but I have this alpha-2B receptor. Then I would react to a stimulus way lower than a child with the same receptor who grew up in an abusive, lets say for example, alcoholic home.

So just how much can we blame on our genes?
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