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Old 15-05-2011, 10:20 PM
Posts: n/a
I agree that there is a link between insanity and spiritual experiences, and I wonder how many people who have had spiritual experiences think they are mentally disturbed, or how many have become disturbed as a result of spiritual experiences like kundalini.

Well this of course is partly why Kason did her research and wrote the book! One of the most useful things about it is to realize you can 'feel like you're going crazy' but still be sane.

Schizophrenia definitely is the holy madness thing sometimes -- it's still insanity but it's lost in terrain that anyone here might find themselves in. From the article I wrote:

Bleuler in Dementia Praecox (1958) mentions a man having the ‘metaphysical delusion’ that ‘he contained within his own body all the heavenly bodies while also maintaining that these heavenly bodies simultaneously existed in the outer world.’ An ordinary shrink might do a double take there. But this is actually a high realization in some eastern and western spiritual traditions. In the kabbalah of the Sepher Yetzirah (see for example Kaplan 1997, Bardon 2010) the inside of the body, the organs, are connected to the cosmos, and the same is true in many forms of Taoist inner alchemy, some of which are being openly taught (eg. by Mantak Chia). The realization that the inner self or microcosm contains the heavenly bodies is an advanced one.

... etc.
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