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Old 27-04-2024, 07:02 AM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 1,530
two dreams, trying to recall the third still..


Dream 1:

I dreamed about that there were raccoons and they were kinda getting an implant (a mag from a weapon) and then they got "loaded". It were quite a few raccoons.. there was a bridge, a small house, and it was a clear sky with some greyish whitish clouds. There was a man with a weird long head like a rectange (not a square) that loaded the raccons. He looked agressive as if he was frozen in a war face.

Dream 2: there were big humans first. All 2 meters longs or so... Animals were scared of them and didnt try to bite them.. then these died, because they apparantly couldnt survive. And there was me.. I was small, like 1,80 m.. and the animals thought I wasbt much of a deal, so they tried to hurt me or eat me... I didnt bother.. I hit that crocodile with one hand, it was entire broken, it didnt have any life in it anymore.. And rhat repeated until it was clear to the animals that I was not as weak as the big humans, despite I was even smaller.. they literally made no change.. there was a park, a fence, a small water place with grass.. it had zoo vibes.

Kind regards,
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