Thread: ear infection
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Old 19-05-2012, 03:40 PM
Racer X
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by MaliMarie
I've heard about a few natural remedies for an ear infection.. some sound a little weird like blowing tobacco smoke in the infected ear. But I've also heard about sweet oil. I've successfully used ear candles to keep them from getting infected, but as my ear is infected now, I heard you aren't supposed to use them when they are already infected... I'm just wondering if there are others. I suffered from them every other week as a child and I'm sad to say I'm suffering from one now. The medicine the doctor gives doesn't help me. (the drops they give) So I'm looking for an alternative. Anything will help. Thank you

Organic Garlic crushed in Extra Virgin first cold pressed organic olive oil. Let sit over night and then strain out garlic. Use 1 entire bulb in about 6 ounces of oil, and press the garlic in the strainer to extract the juices .......

Because it is infected the garlic can cause a temporary increase it passes quickly (a few minutes at most)

Then eat an Organic Diet with many various mushrooms to stabilize and strengthen the immune system , add raw honey, when the desire for sweets is present but no other sweets should be eaten. Take two tablespoons of RAW APPLE CIDER VINEGAR EVERY 4 HOURS.
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