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Old 18-08-2017, 02:11 PM
naturesflow naturesflow is offline
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Originally Posted by shivatar
I don't have a better word for it. Crazy. mentally loose. bursting at the seams?

An overheated engine.

An overwhelmed worker.

I don't want to say insanity. I don't recall meeting many, if any, insane spiritual seekers.

However I do notice that a common thread, almost constant, is that there is a loosening of the mind in the spiritual field.

It's not just spirituality. there are rebel thinkers in every traditional field. However in spirituality... i swear like 90% of the field is people with severe trauma or a trumatic childhood.

As a person with a trumatic childhood, I'm the first to say it's not a wrong thing. But for Gods sake...

I wonder if I would still have dived so deeply into this pool if I had known what was lurking beneath the surface.

I'm not trying to ask a question. this is a rhetorical venting.

And before that angel on your shoulder tries to condemn me, haven't you had the same thought or feeling before? Like "I can't take all these traumatized people constantly clawing out for help?"

Lurking in the depths of the ocean are some beautifully transparent creatures that seem to be blissfully floating through the deep dark waters ever so gracefully, with an amazingly bright glowing lighted body in fact..

Ah.... Nature has a way to open us in how we choose to feel and see the creatures of the deep.
“God’s one and only voice are Silence.” ~ Herman Melville

Man has learned how to challenge both Nature and art to become the incitements to vice! His very cups he has delighted to engrave with libidinous subjects, and he takes pleasure in drinking from vessels of obscene form! Pliny the Elder
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