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Old 06-06-2012, 09:32 AM
Shahrukh Mohandas Govinda
Posts: n/a
Using the dead to achieve positive things in this lifetime

I am conflicting on this
I have a problem in my life now
It is my own mother
wanting to buy life insurance on me
it is because she belief I am leading a dangerous lifestyle
for my spiritual journey

likely, very likely dead is looming on the horizon for me
and so the money is likely fall from the death tree

I am to sign these papers
and not inform the insurance agent
of my impending potential doom

the life which I will be leading is
harsh and painful

If I am not to die
maybe I will disappoint those who windfall I benefit?

And so if I die,
and my death is used for other material gain
and what if that material is used for evil purpose?

should I feel responsible for this domino effect?

can death be used positively in the third dimensional world
to influence?
or is it to be left alone?

and to be inusurancing life
is to be betting on death
and I do not believe
profit can be truly derived

anyway this just my thought

before I have already signed the papers.
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