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Old 15-10-2017, 08:20 PM
Inika Inika is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 2,345

guy's! Im getting married this week.

The cards say so! lol
10 cups, we look out at the landscape happily married
4 wands - we start buildng out first home
page of swords I wake up and think of how this is not a reality!

Ok so in all seriousness. JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel the love of family and friends and being part of 'the community' feelin my place in the world, where i belong. love, friendship, family, all the stuff from one of those cheesey american sit-coms where the audience go 'awwww' and some corny background music. FOCUS ON THIS ^

4 of wands - Get my energy strong in each corner. To stand strong, for my community, family, friends, I need to make sure my energies are strong, upright, like a pillar to hold those I love in rough times. If my energy is weak imno good to anyone. I have support, I have love and I have the energy to pull this through. If my family is the back, im the spine. 4 of wands.

Page of swords - well, always reminds me of the internet junkie forever looking for mind food. Ready to explore new information and research. Kind of a nerd basically. So maybe I need to stop any need to feed the mind and just let love in. Stop 'thinking' everything through to the tiniest detail and just let it all be. Stop coming in with a sword (thought) when the upper cards come to mind. A clever soul told me very recently 'thoughts cause stress' and i couldn't agree more. So i lay down that sword and just allow myself to be happy (10 of cups) this week.

@ homer simpson
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