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Old 16-08-2011, 10:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Everlong
I'm new here and just learning about TFs. It has been blowing my mind! I have been living this cycle for the last 29 years!

I am the runner. Only because we were not supposed to be together. He didn't care what other's thought, but I did. Then many years later I thought maybe I should give it a chance...and he ran! It broke my heart. Many years later he told me he was so sorry. He said he always loved me and still does, but did not trust the love. After I left he became depressed. He went through a lot of soul searching and is now one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. When we reconnected he said he never wanted me out of his life again. Even if he could not be with me, he just wanted me to be happy. He loved me so unconditionally. The relationship became so intense. But then, I did not trust the love so I ran and ran again (my friend said that is why he keeps coming back, because you keep running. Not many women run from him). Then I became someone I didn't know and said the most horrible things to him. I hurt him deeply. That is one thing, I have trouble with, is that I am always surprised that I can hurt him? I think it comes along with me trust issues with him. He eventually became exhausted and said, we should just be friends. We could never be friends, he even said it the week before that. So, I ended it. I would rather have a chance to heal and put this behind me, but I said I would always be there for him. The separation has been very difficult on me. I've missed him so much.

Now out of the blue, he texted me tonight. Just a friendly text to tell me something. But I can't bring myself to text him back, I don't know why? But I will...

Enlightener, you are saying I should be friends with him?

Yes, be his friend.

The reason you two are getting yourselves into these scenarios is because the two of you are hitting up against each others issues and insecurities (the places in which you aren't whole) every time you get together.

Be friends, let yourselves grow, lay the foundation for a great relationship.
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