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Old 27-03-2017, 05:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Well since the op hasn't responded yet. I have no desire to fight with you over this Carnate. I have tried to paint a rather complete all be it terse picture of the timeline of the chakras existence in writing. I have backed that up with my own experiences, some research and an alternative.

But by all means keep telling yourself that what you have come to believe about the chakras is the pinnacle of truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. All those people who talk about removing their chakra and how it affected them energetically are seriously deluded by evil. Have you even googled how many personal blogged stories are out there on the interwebs these days. Please do some research even if it's just a 5 minute google search before saying that it's impossible and evil to think about removing your chakras. People thought it was evil to masturbate too at some point.

With Love
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