Thread: Newbie
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Old 18-07-2018, 09:38 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
Posts: 3,580
We all come to meditation in different ways. My own story is that back in the 1970s I was in my first term at university and I went to a party on the south coast of the UK. I had taken some mushrooms and at one stage I became very introspective. Suddenly I had a clear knowing that I was simply looking for love and peace and happiness, and I knew that I would never find these things in the external world because they were all within me. I knew that I had to stop drinking and smoking, give up the other substances, become vegetarian and start meditation. I knew nothing about meditation but I knew that I had to do it.

After the party I was excited and confused. I was excited because my life was about to take a whole new direction. I was confused because I had no idea where to begin. The next day a friend asked if anyone wanted to go and hear a talk about an enlightened teacher who taught meditation. Naturally I went, and that was the start of my journey.

So you may want to find a local meditation group to get you started. It helps to have the group support to establish a meditation practice. As you learn more about meditation you may move on to other groups and other practices. Eventually you may become most comfortable meditating without any particular group environment.

There are plenty of books on meditation, so read what you can and see what resonates with you. You may be drawn to the yogic paths or Buddhist meditations or perhaps to more Western practices. And over time your practice may change.

And everyone has trouble clearing the mind. It is the nature of the mind to think, to replay what has happened and figure out what might happen. In meditation we learn all about the nature of the mind. Gradually we become less attached to our thoughts and we discover a stillness beyond thinking. It just requires practice, practice and more practice.

Good luck.

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