Thread: Life
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Old 03-02-2018, 04:14 AM
Rsandee Rsandee is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 585

How do I see life? I see life as as an opportunity for our souls to fulfill a wish, something to experience. Religion and sprituality have gotten sadly gotten a bad reputation, if I’d openly tell someone my beliefs they would think I’m an extremist or at least a radical believer. To be honest, this is probably the truth, but every truth has different sides and perspectives to look at.

Instead of the countless wars and tyranny for which religion was used for, to manipulate the masses and control us as a population, I choose to see the good in it. Perspective is everything, that’s why despite all my dark thoughts I can state I’m an optimist at heart. It began with me rejecting religion, rejecting God, not because I thought it was impossible but because I only saw the bad side of religion. I remember telling myself I couldn’t think or say certain things because they were wrong, but is it really wrong for me to be myself as long as I don’t hurt someone? Religion has ruled for centuries with an iron fist, controlling people using fear of the unknown. I chose spirituality because I feel religion isn’t for me, though they have a lot in common there is an important difference, instead of following a book I decided to follow my own soul. Life for me isn’t a test, but an experience.

Instead of fearing whatever’s beyond, I chose to try and make my own connection with God. It began small with me noticing the little beauties in life, how I loved hearing birds sing and water pour, but eventually I saw something I would’ve never thought possible without faith. I have faith that life is good, based on unconditional love. Many times I said to myself that if atheists, either by choice or by inability to believe, get sent to eternal torment, I would reject God. I stand by this principle as I feel love is essenial to the human experience. Without love there is nothing that binds us, I believe the more we transition from negativity and fear to positivity and love, we better not only ourselves, but our entire species. The more we try to see the good in things and find the power to believe in the highest good, the more we elevate ourselves and solve world problems. Perfection is never attainable, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to reach it. Yes it’s just a nice thought that makes me feel good and warm inside, that’s exactly what it is, but I have to believe.

I reject to let my bad experiences in life define me, I choose to learn from it all and better myself just like I’d like to see the world be improved. I choose not to think of how bad things are but how good they could be. I have to, otherwise everything would be nothing, everything would be meaningless. I have to believe every soul-crushing experience I’ve had and will feel happens to shape me into this person I’m supposed to become. Things should happen for a reason, however small or insignificant they may be, there must be a cause to an effect. No matter how many times I lose faith in a dream and want to give up, I sacrifice that notion for a better future. I see sacrifice as a true sign of love, of dedication and commitment. I dont just believe, I’m devoted, I’m nothing without this. If I’d break the promises I’ve made to myself, I wouldn’t be myself anymore, I can’t break them because it goes against everything I stand for. I also try to not let my beliefs dictate what someone can and can’t do, except it if hurts someone. Faith must not be spread using the same controlling tactics as they’ve used in the past, it shouldn’t be forced, it should be chosen.

Don’t tell me something is impossible, if I can picture it so clearly, dream it so vividly, what should keep me from trying? I want this experience. I want this more than anything. I don’t just want this for me, I want to share it with the world. One spark of light in the darkness is enough to make people notice. We have our faults, but we should never stop bettering ourselves. We are just human, but we could be so much more.
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