Thread: Hebrew Language
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Old 22-02-2012, 06:57 AM
Posts: n/a
There's no such thing as a hebrew dictionary that doesn't include religious words. Hebrew is a small and efficient language.

When I was learning Hebrew I used the Shimon Zilberman dictionary I got for free from the Jewish Agency when I made Aliyah isbn-965-222-862-1. It says it has 82,000 entries and I haven't come across a Hebrew word yet from religious or secular texts that it doesn't cover. I also used the Artscroll Interlinear Translation of the Siddur when I was learning to pray. Basically it translates every single word individually for you right there so you can learn as you pray - a genius tool.

I've been in Israel for 6 years and still didn't get the hebrew sticker thingies for my keyboard lol... what I do when I need to type hebrew words is type out all the letters in order in notepad and carefully attempt to reproduce to the words that way. Might help you in a pinch.

Anyways, b'hatzlacha! The Hebrew language is rich and beautiful. i pray it brings you yichus and simcha.
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