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Old 01-07-2017, 07:29 PM
Debrah Debrah is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 387
Reamac, when people get all weirded out by 'carbs' when they are losing weight, it seems to me that the one thing they are forgetting is that not all carbs are created equally. For example, the carbs in bread are not so good because the starch gets converted to a sugar which does a number on your insulin levels, and the same with things like rice and potatoes and pasta. But carbs like all the other whole grains and veggies don't have the same impact on your body., nor do the carbs that you would get from things like lentils and beans or chickpeas.

My personal experience once I went vegan was that I pretty much quit worrying about my weight and I'm 62 and have a slow thyroid, both of which would predispose me to easily putting on weight.

But I eat lots of raw veggies, go easy on cooking oils, use lentils or chickpeas almost every day because they are filling and limit my use of nuts to a degree. For the sake of the omega 3 fats that are critical for heart health, I will eat just a tiny handful (maybe 6 halves) of walnuts every day. It's also amazing how that little bit can make your tummy feel happy for a while and you don't need to eat cups of nuts to do that. I also will eat almonds in the breakfast cookies I mentioned below.

Today for example, my breakfast was a couple breakfast cookie (made of rolled oats, almond pulp, shredded coconut, ground flax seed, raisins, cinnamon, hemp hears, chopped pecans, bananas or apple sauce, and a coffee. Then my lunch was a huge bowl of vegetable soup with everything in it including a little bit of black bean noodles, and a dessert bowl of papaya chunks, and for supper tonight, we'll have some lentil curry on quinoa fusilli noodles with sliced raw vegetables on the side.

Lots of carbs there, but it's more about the kinds of carbs, not overdoing the fats, (cooking oils and nuts) and really cutting down on the amount of sugar that you take in (and that includes the sugar in fruits and especially juices).

A couple other tips that we've discovered are helpful to maintain weight, is to not eat after 7:00 in the evening and when you do absolutely have to snack (and we all get there from time to time) use a very little bowl to hold your potato chips or your lentil chips and seal and leave the bag in the kitchen. Or you could even fill that little bowl with frozen blueberries about an hour ahead of when you'll want them. Because they won't be completely thawed, they still have their natural sweetness in the berries instead of just in the bowl of thawed juice at the bottom.

It's a learning process but you'll get the hang of it and congratulations for loosing all that weight! You must have worked hard for that!
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