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Old 24-07-2019, 06:14 AM
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Lightbulb Two Life Principles

Life Principles:

1. Every skill can be accelerated in its value and execution by the conscious and subconscious rapidly
by taking in as many different perspectives about it as possible (example: patience, specific/detail orientedness
watch lots of youtube videos, read lots of quotes from various others on those specific subjects). This does not
mean 2 to 3 perspectives, but more like 20-30, or even 50-100+ in the forms of different quotes.
2. Organization, Specificness, and Detail precede discipline and make discipline very easy and carried out
exactly in my own best interest. The reverse order does not work. Trying to act very disciplined without
any goal or specific details on what that looks like makes the discipline very uncomfortable and full of anxiety/
uncertainty (which are natural responses to not knowing your plan)
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