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Old 16-07-2019, 03:50 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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There is also a tremendous liberation involved in denying and going against nasty, oppressive psychological forces which have the effect of coercing you into a belief which totally goes against who you authentically are at your very core...even if that is or is not "God".

When faced with such tremendous pressure to comply, adapt, betray myself or whatever the case may be, I always ask myself one simple question; "what would be the end result if I DON'T jump on this bandwagon?" What will happen if I simply say "NO!"?

Well, I get everything from 'not being accepted', 'being mocked/ridiculed', 'being ignored' and 'being left to my own devices' which then leads me to ask a further two questions:

1. "How much should the beliefs of my own immediate spiritual "peer set" affect my own...IF at all?" and

2. "Would a being who claims to be "God", judge, mock, ridicule and ignore me anyway? or is that just their ego which really has nothing to do with "God"?

The hardest spiritual lesson to learn is that you are basically "on your own" anyway! With regard to spirituality and perception of the Divine, everybody experiences this differently, even though the end result is happiness, bliss, joy, love etc and whatever path it takes to get you there, is highly unique, individual and personally tailored BY the Divine... probably (most possibly) according to previous Karma.

It takes great inner strength and courage to "go against the flow" even if you are IN the "flow state" by doing so and this also takes a solid sense of identity..of knowing just WHO you are, be that "God" or a "servant of God" or "at one WITH God" or "the expression of God's love" and/or any or all of the above at any given time.

There is also a great humility involved i.e.."even if I AM "God", my heart would never let me admit it", so just having the essence of the Divine...that pure love and joy within the heart whenever one surrenders their controlling (egoic) will to "God's Will" is more than enough, without having to conceptualize any "embodiment" of the Divine in whatever limited "form" that takes to individual cognitive perception and experience.

Then, in the end, we just "know what we know" and then avoid all others who try and pressure us into believing otherwise and who get offended when we have alternative viewpoints or point out logical fallacies in their arguments.

Of course, this has the direct effect of isolating oneself and being very, very lonely, so the last question then needs to be asked:

"If believing "I am God" would lead me to acceptance, inclusion and being a part of "spiritual humanity" would I prefer to believe that, and engage in SPIRITUAL BYPASSING even though it goes against everything I hold true and near and dear to my heart? OR would I prefer to remain true to myself, to my beliefs and live in my own Spiritual Authenticity, even though it may alienate me from the rest of society?"

The choice, as always, is yours.
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