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Old 08-03-2018, 10:37 PM
Posts: n/a
I still don't think the spiritual conversation is a difficult one.
Even though people misunderstand each other on a grand scale.

That has little to do with the spiritual side of things in my humble opinion.
One of the causes of perceived difficulty lies in the expectations we have when engaging in a text-only format when we discuss these matters.
More precisely the expectation that we understand what the other is writing, we have no way of knowing the intention behind the written words. Smilies help but very little in this regard.

Another expectation is the idea that just because this is a spiritual forum we expect the people we meet here to sort of adhere to our understanding of spirituality.

In real life, when you talk to someone who is on a similar path we get to see the glimmer in their eye's, feel the love they express when talking about these subjects. Not so on forums.

Ah well, lessons start sinking in.. Only took me a decade of trying.
I'll probably mess up a few times more before I understand that connection is not something that can be shared over a wifi connection.
Ideas sure..

Connection? Maybe not in the way I hoped it would.

With Love
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