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Old 03-01-2017, 07:27 PM
Jenniebean88 Jenniebean88 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 3
Color Working with Moldavite?

Hi all!
I've worked with crystals for quite some time now, I carry them around with me and meditate with them every night, I've recently purchased a lovely piece of Moldavite a few months ago and carry it about with me every day, I sometimes even meditate with it! I've heard that some people think it's vibration is too intense etc, however after being accustomed to it I think it works very well with me! However now when I meditate with my quartz crystals (which I used to find had a very powerful effect on me straight away after meditating) I feel that they just don't have the same effecr, almost as if they aren't working properly! (I do charge and cleanse them often so I know that this isn't the case) do you think the Moldavite may have raised my vibration so much in the case I don't feel the effects of other crystals? Should I still use it if this is the case?

Jennie xxx
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