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Old 28-05-2012, 09:33 PM
Blue Tiger Blue Tiger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 522
There are so many souls in such extreme situations in this world, but relatively few Walk-Ins. Souls that have struggled with starvation, torture, and the horrors of war... yet most of them did not receive a soul exchange.

Perhaps they did not ask, but I have to believe that many cried to heaven for release from the agony of life.

Walk-ins depend on there being a soul who is willing to enter your situation and take over for you. There is no entitlement, no guarantee that such a soul is around. No soul is obligated to help you escape your predicament.

And it is wise to remember that the soul who 'walks-out' will face the same lessons and similar obstacles during a future life. You chose the circumstances of this existance, based on your needs and lessons. If you don't learn the lessons, you repeat the grade, so to speak.

I sincerely hope you find some hope and work your way back into the sunshine. Beseeching the universe/god/whatever to let you just walk away is not the easy escape it may seem like.