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Old 19-05-2012, 03:12 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
You are most welcome Gr4ssh0pp3r

Dear ones, your lives by design, are influenced by the blueprint that you have taken on, each being, has a duty to perform always with the intention to move you

forward spiritually. Thus you are experiencing a specific program as a part of the whole. All of these blueprints are specific to a purpose or plan that has been

implemented for the planet and all who participate as a part of the planet. Some have come here to raise the energetic vibration from a state of stagnation to greater

movement. You are part of a certain harmonic that has a healing effect on the whole planet by breaking up and redistributing energy in a more balanced manner. You

can think of each century as a different movement in a symphony that has been playing since the act of creation and that symphony becomes more beautiful as the

dissonance changes to harmony, and flows in perfect melody. All of life is based in geometries as a manifested rhythm throughout the cosmos. This is why music and

art have such a influence on the soul, because its beauty resonates with cosmic order and moves the soul. The wind, rain and natures sounds have the same influence

upon the body. These forces being powerful, can also be destructive , but the purpose is always to bring back into balance that which is out of harmony. All cycles of

the universe are tied to the earth and to each of you as a part of the whole and therefore you are influenced by the balance or imbalance that plays out around you.

When you find your still-point within, you are helping to reset the earths balance in this simple act. She responds to you and you respond to her as living aspects of

creation. Anger is like a jagged line of energy that disrupts the balance, also fear. Love is a flowing movement that harmonizes with all around it and helps to even out

any disharmonious energies. In this, dear ones, you can see how your every mood affects the world around you, and you are learning to stay balanced because this is

something that can be felt. It just takes understanding to begin walking in the order of the divine, instead of creating chaotic emotions that diffuse energy and

dis-join. Let your heart be your guidance in this and always watch your choices, are they harmonious or disruptive? Once one is aware, these become easy to detect

and one can observe these choices with a discerning eye. Is is not that you should avoid emotion, dear ones, but watch yourselves and decide if you are creating

drama out of a need for attention or if you are playing the role of a victim. It is wise to be aware of why you make your choices and then work on balance in all

situations. It is a habit of honesty and a wish to overcome that which is false. the false self is accustomed to deceiving and holding power over others. It is you job,

dear ones to know whom you are allowing to rule, through the process. Babaji
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