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Old 07-07-2018, 02:25 PM
Blue Tiger Blue Tiger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 522
My guides talk to me at great length about many things, especially if they want me to master a specific lessons, or if I have asked a question. Angels typically (in my experience at least) don't do much talking. They seem to be beyond the need of verbal communication and most often utilize telepathy and symbols.

My guides will tell me much, but they will not tell me things that might in any way alter my path. For example they won't tell me if love awaits me, or if I should take job A instead of job B. They won't tell me how long I have left to finish my lessons in this life.

They especially won't tell me who the 8 souls are that I pledged to gather and lead. They explained that if I knew who they were, I would dash about and gather just those precious few instead of helping and caring for the others I meet along the way. Seems those encounters, though not part of my pledge, are also very important.
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