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Old 05-06-2015, 03:36 PM
Posts: n/a
i have a little sign by my desk at work with some happy affirmations i love reading to myself! it says "i am in charge of my health; i am proud of my body; i radiate love to others; i am full of energy". reading it really helps my days go smoothly. i have different little signs that have some other phrases that work the same way my affirmations do too, like positive words that make me feel good about myself. one says "how beautiful is this life?", another "you are lightning." a few others are: "being positive in a negative situation is not naive. its leadership.", "be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can." "although you are very small and your kind have existed in the universe for only a short time, you are an important part of something very large and very beautiful." though the last few aren't really affirmations that i'd repeat to myself, they're things i'd like to imagine the universe has to say to me. :)
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