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Old 28-03-2015, 12:53 AM
Shekinah Shekinah is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 240
I am a Witch with many Wiccan friends. Most of the serious practitioners of the Traditions know the difference. The fluffy bunnies (part time Wiccans) probably haven't bothered to study what it is they profess to believe .

Wicca is a modern resurrection by Gerald Gardner in the early "50's" and is much more interested in the ritual worship of the ancient Pantheon and social circles and Covens. The Witch generally is a solitary eclectic student of the Craft of the Ancient Ones descended from the first fire watchers of primitive pre-historic cave dwellers. Our history includes early Pagans, Sorcerers, Shaman, Medicine Workers, Witch and Magi of note over endless centuries. Our Circles and Magic are usually solitary, we are not inclined to join a Coven but enjoy participating in local open circles. We honor the Ancient Pantheon but they are not a religion for us and we generally have chosen a single Spirit Guide (God or Goddess) with whom to work. Witchcraft is a serious way of life for us.
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