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Old 13-08-2006, 08:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by biyu_wolf_77
ok im me some day after awhile youll likely notice im drainin ya just not an extreame amount and like i said id rather not use any protection or the like when it comes to my abilities if i like say get alot of sadness and wanna cry ive gotta learn to figure out who its from and know it could be across the world (once "friend" was across the buildin cryin i pickedup on it foundout the next day and art teacher that i had knows of some of my gifts)

You know that's highly interesting what you said about wanting to experience the emotions so you will know who it's from etc. The thing is though, with a protective exercise such as this you will still be able to sense other's energies but IMO it will not overwhelm you and will allow to look at the emotion with some detachment. Do you understand what I mean?