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Old 02-11-2010, 12:51 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by norseman
EFT is a much simplified form of TFT [ Thought Field Therapy - the Callahan Technique ]. This requires the services of a trained practitioner. Look it up
This is not correct. Anybody can use the TFT techniques although it is more complex than EFT.
The British Thought Field Therapy Association can anything they want, I see no link or claim that they are a statutory body with enforcement rights.

All 'health care' practitioner who works with energy psychology should also think many times before wanting to have their particular discipline recognized. Once the regulatory agencies, accredited training schools and companies get their fingers on it we can say goodbye to 2 things, the average person being allowed to practice it for remuneration, and accessibility for those who are not very, very wealthy.
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