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Old 01-10-2017, 07:01 AM
Amilius777 Amilius777 is offline
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Okay. Ob Origine. First off. You don't know the definition of THEORY

Theory is a body of knowledge containing laws. The Theory of Evolution is a fact. Somewhere in Western civilization because a lot of garbage has seeped into the educational system, theory became confused with hypothesis, or something that wasn't proven yet.

The trinity is a theory based on the God-experience that Jesus had. His relationship with what we call God was a collective consciousness. He spoke as a member of that consciousness. The trinity is simply our understanding of God on the third dimension, thus a "theory" not that God is literally three guys in white robes. And plus, God is more than three. There are so many aspects, members, and persons in God that we would confuse it with polytheism if we sat at the "right hand of the Father" which is the highest level of vibration, it is beyond our capacity to understand.

God, I can't believe I have to rebuttal all of this. It's aggravating.

Ab Origine. You don't experience a fourth dimension, neither do I or anyone else. You are kidding yourself. Unless you have a gift for clairvoyance or mediumship with Spirits and occasionally see into the fourth dimension, then yes. But I doubt it for you.,

We ARe multi-dimensional beings. But in this current mode and form, in the human form we are experiencing our consciousness in THREE dimensions.


Yes you are correct that a lot of Jewish history began from Babylon. A lot of Jewish scribes retold their stories of Moses through the lenses of captivity in Babylon. We don't even know if Moses even existed in way he does in Exodus. He probably didn't. And a lot of Jewish beliefs were actually polythesistic with Yahweh as the Head God.

I know a lot of about this too because I read about it. But you obviously skim over the works of all NT scholars in the world.

Jesus as a divine being or as God is only found in JOHN's Gospel which was written almost 70-90 years after the death of Jesus to a largely Greek community, a community mainly anti-Semitic.

Judging by your constant changing of usernames over the last three years and tearing down Judaism left and right I am not surprised if you've been kicked off Spiritual Forums several times or perhaps you have siblings with the same exact beliefs, wording, and grammar punctuations.

Another thing is that Jesus was most definitely a follower of John the Baptist. John speaking of being a lesser person than Jesus is also found mainly in John's Gospel. In Mark, the OLDEST Gospel, the Baptist is a forerunner and Jesus even says no greater prophet has risen since John the Baptist. John led a movement which has some historical truth with many disciples. John was waiting for the messiah to come, and one of his own, Jesus of Nazareth who followed him was that One. The Baptism was a rite of passage, an announcement to people present that it was Jesus who was chosen by God, BEFORE he was born.

Honestly I don't even want to continue this because you sound unhinged and I don't want to bother. Just read the top New Testament and Old Testament scholars in the world-

Francesca Stavrakapoulou, Bart Ehrman, John Dominic Crossan to name a few.

I get my information from experts. I don't pull things out of my behind. And if I get a "sense" of something for a theological purpose it is from my own experience from God in my day to day life.

[quote=Ab Origine]Hi Folks..

Amilius; Hmm - if the Trinity is a truth (it is) - then how can it also be a "theory of god" that is NOT a LITERAL truth..??

All legitimate truth is "literal" by its very definition - a thing is either a literal truth or it is something else entirely - no thing can truly exist that is not a "literal truth" OF that existance lol obviously as it is the existence and the reality of it that defines "what is truth" - and just as obviously, no "truth" thus experienced, is a mere theory and no "theory" can ever be considered as a truth" lol - a truth is something tangeable substantial and repeatable - a theory - is just an educated guess and little HUGE huge difference Id say...

Ah but - isn't that actually FOUR dimensions..??...three SPATIAL measurements plus one TIME measurement = means Actually we exist as a four dimensional Being HERE (but this is actually just a small part of a much greater MULTI dimensional entitty that we have very limited access to)..

No that doesn't work - the "body of awareness that is separate" is indeed your MIND - same mind you have now INSIDE your physical body...You try to say we are now a Trinity but upon mortal death - for sure, we will lose one part of that make upon entirely as we will no longer have a physical body at all - yet we will still exist as same core SELF unchanged I assure you..

Hmm - simply put - it seems "more real" simply because now free from mortal body - slow slow brain and its very limited mental capacity - so we start to use now the WHOLE MIND out of body, and thus we take in a whole lot more information, build a much more vivid reality from what is available...HERE in the body we simply IGNORE around 95% of all the energetic stimulus we receive - free from body though, and Conscious awareness is likewise freed to reclaim its full potential..

Really..??..Actually nearly all the Hebrew heritage comes DIRECTLY from Babylon - ancient Sumer and the ANNUNAKI who recorded ALL the Jewish narrative some 4000 years before any Jewish nation even The entire foundation of the Torah can be traced directly back to those ancient babylonian "gods" all a SHAM... If we really want the truth of any of this then the bible is NOT the place to look, as that is just a RETELLING of a much much EARLIER version of this so called "truth"..

I will remind us all - back then when all this started - these "gods" were actual flesh and blood PEOPLE that walked and talked interacted day to day with us - so they record for all to see.. By the time the Jews come along with the Torah, MANY "gods" had stated many nations and they were all pitted against each other for domination - one "god" the god of the jews won out over the rest and so we now have our twisted history and twisted "truth" given BY that "god" alone.. This is ALL ACTUAL HISTORY - real world events - not just fables and myths and allegory from a Jewish heritage, but recorded elsewhere THE ENTIRE WORLD OVER and always spoken of as a LITERAL and historical truth !!!

Pretty irrelevant though - unless you make a clear distinction - RELIGIOUS christianity is NOT the same truth that CHRIST gave - and actually HIS truth is NOT even "a variant of Judaism" - totlall 100 % AGAINST that religion lol - He ACTUALLY SAID that "god" was an IMPOSTER and not the Father source of Creation that it had claimed - truth from Christ is what started ALL THE TROUBLE as He said to us all most clearly that we had been LIED DECIEVED and MANIPULATED by that "Jewish god" - because of this radical truth He gave freely they MURDERED HIM and the religion that bares His name used the same tactics to silence any and all who opposed them..

So - lets not forget the truth of the historical ORIGIN of this religion or its god - and lets not forget what they did to Christ and WHY they did it - keep the background context as we examine all that has been done and we soon start to make sense of it all..

Ah but that's just plain incorrect on almost every level...First - Christ niether believed nor practiced - whatever that means..??.. He simply WAS DIVINE - didn't need to "believe it" as he was the LIVING TRUTH - didn't need to "practice" anything as He was the LIVING was just BEING - true to Himself..

Second, he did not "follow John" - where did you get that..?...even in the bible it clearly states that this John PREPARED THE WAY for CHRIST - not the other way

Thirdly - if you LISTEN TO CHRIST - it soon becomes apparent that He was having a "god experience" EVEN BEFORE HE TOOK MORTAL FORM - I mean - that is what HE CLAIMED DIRECTLY - to be ACTUALLY PRESENT at the start of ALL CREATION as the WORD and an integral part OF THE TRINITY that starts it all off !!!

Yeshua was not a "man who became god" - no no no - totally off track there - He was the true Divine Source of Creation that BECAME MAN made flesh and blood - again, your view presented here is entirely back to front based on what HE HIMSELF says.. Iam the Light that is over all Creation - lift the stone - split the wood Iam there - all came forth FROM Me and all will again return TO Me He said - for those with ears tot hear.. NOT a man first - He was DIVINE and that is what caused all the problems here - the priests of this god Yhvh KNEW and recognised Christ truth so they murdered Him to protect their sham bogus "god" and so remained in power...Simple... Divine Source became man among us and taught us a truth that sets us free from spiritual slavery imposed BY the jewish god Yhvh - for this truth they kill Him and twist the rest to suit their own agenda - you cannot get truth of Christ or truth of the Divine from ANY religion - He already told us plainly they will deceive us ON PURPOSE !!

Again entirely inaccurate based on things HE HIMSELF SAYS DIRECTLY - His teaching was indeed NEW - UNHEARD OF - NEVER BEFORE ENCOUNTERED HE said - a brand new unknown Great Invisible Spirit He said - Our Father -abiding in a likewise totally unknon spiritual realm -not even the angels or god Yhvh knew HIS truth He said so SPECIFICALLY - two entirely seperate and distinct "truths" - not a continuation at all - He told people to come AWAY from the religion - read all those sayings in the Thomas thread for clarity -at every opportunity He pushes people right out from under that religion influence - NOT Our Father He said - NOT HIS truth.... Again I remind us - for the things HE SAID - they MURDERED HIM - they ARE ENEMIES - two entirely SEPERATE TRUTHS about two entirely SEPERATE gods !! Never forget the background context - keep it real Folks..

Again though entirely inaccurate based on things HE HIMSELF SAYS DIRECTLY - like 100% inaccurate as His whole teaching is actually FOR AFTER LIFE and the NEXT LIFE to come - preparation for what comes next so that we will not be ensnared in Yhvh spiritual trap any more - read Thomas thread again for clarity - this time see all those times He has us Turn AWAY from the world entirely - find the world He said and you finda dead carcass -and once you reach that stage He said this world is not ven worthy of you any longer -His truth has NOTHING to do with living THIS life - seek the LIVING ONE all the while you are here He actually said, else you will die and be unprepared to meet that truth - thus the cycle of confusion will repeat he warned - you will reincarnate He warned in ignorance of Self again.. His truth is an ETERNAL TRUTH OF SELF - not a mere mortal world view..What can I say..??.. He is the SOURCE OF CREATION made into flesh and His truth given freely prepares US to encounter that Source DIRECTLY also, moment to moment - to BECOME it once we are free from mortal ties that bind us here.. For those with ears to hear..

Hmm - yet again though - entirely inaccurate based on the things HE HIMSELF said DIRECTLY - such as - He EXPLAINS the Trinity in full detail - in modern English it is the forming of PERSONALITY within the Divine Mind - tells us how and why it happened - He did NOT "realise for himself" - He was born here AS CHRIST He said so directly - CHOSE to come here among us with his full Divine faculty intact as he had a SPECIFIC INTENT to free the lost Souls here and life them from this imposed spiritual ignorance that held us captive and dominated - only one limitation was the mortal form of Yeshua HAD TO DIE - in order to allow the Soul to continue its Intent and in order to allow that full capacity of the Christ to be demonstrated as the Resurrection.. NOT allegory Folks - literal truth.. Christ is the MIND that CAUSES and controls the ENERGY of ALL CREATION - PRESENT right there at the start - not just a mortal man who just happened to learn some secrets - but the SOURCE OF CREATION that TAUGHT man all we know !!

Really we should listen to CHRIST (not religion) and what HE said if we truly want HIS truth !!

Only a few..?? They took a council decision to act to silence Him - so it was MAJORITY for sure !! And the reason they are against Him is simple to see - HE ALONE IS DIVINE and they and their god are NOT !!

Keep the CONTEXT Folks...They have a god who CLAIMS to be superior to all else - yet here is a man who tells them their god is an IMPOSTER - He then performs bona fide miracles that NO PRIEST OF YHVH CAN ATTAIN !!! Such things as for example HEALS A LEPER first off - and look - a leper is an OUTCAST to that society made so BY their god yhvh whos priests REFUSE to even try to heal such a one saying their god has ABANDONED THEM and so they are POWERLESS to heal !!

Christ chose a leper specifically, healed him fully with just touch and a spoken Word - HE IS DIVINE just as I say NO priest of yhvh can do such a thing !! He told the leper again specifically pleases go to the priest now and show them what I have done - no fuss or confrontation - He wanted to share His truth freely... The leper didn't do that and instead goes off to market and boast of the MESSIAH who heals with a simple touch !!! Let it sink in - keep the context - lets not slip into religious confusion or wishful thinking - see how it would play out in the real world given all we know..

The priests confront Him ( see bible John) where He tells them point blank face to face that THEIR god is NOT His god - in modern plain English that say "W T F ??? , WHO ARE YOU to go around doing and saying such things..??.." - I parphrase of course but thats pretty much how it went down - Christ tells them "Iam CHRIST and my Father empowers me" - they reply "we are gods chosen followjng the true god of Abraham and Moses" and Christ replies to that "YES you do follow THAT god, but that god IS NOT MY FATHER !!!" Let it sink in deep - He told them straight that their ancestral heritage and their god is NOT the same as His, their god Yhvh is NOT the Father that He reveals !! He then goes on to tell them that THEIR god is a charlatan, an imposter a liar and a murderer !!

Its like they confront Him to find out how come HE can heal a LEPER that they can NOT heal - and His reply is to tell them I CAN do it because MY FATHER IS LEGITIMATE DIVINE - you can NOT do it as your god is an imposter !!! It must have been something like that as AFTER this first public healing the priesthood are dead set against Him - and He does tell them clearly that their god is a lying deceiving murdering imposter - so only conclusion must be that HIS truth is NOT their truth, and so they "hate" Him as you state it simply because He is a direct and obvious threat to their very status, power and authority - not to mention the fact He is repeatedly telling the people to come away from the religion and the temple and to stop all that nonsense see the Thomas thread for clrity if needed - its all rather obvious IF we keep the CONTEXT and allow the things HE said directly - they were enemies and this is because as said we are dealing with two entirely seperate truths - two entirely separate entities and "gods" - the Jewish god is not the truth of the Father that Christ alone reveals..

He PROVED His truth with many such miracles that NO PRIEST OF YHVH COULD PERFORM - thus Christ is a direct immediate and present threat to their authority and for THAT reason primarily they murdered Him !!

The rest is twisted religious history as it was this religion of Yhvh and its off shoots that give the world all our "historical truth" lol - only thing is its ALL been a pack of lies right from the start.. If we want truth of Christ or truth of the legitimate Divine - then really only one option - we MUST do as Christ advised and cone right out from that religious influence altogether - that god there is not even our Father that Christ alone reveals - that god yhvh is a singular unique INDIVIDUAL - that is because it is a CREATURE just like You and I are - a CREATED BEING and not the SOURCE of Creation despite what it claimed.. That legitimate source does exist as a TRINITY - three distinct personalities within the same Divine mind all explained in full by Chrits directly -
He says that these ACTUALLY EXIST - this Great Invisible Spirit and this great unknown realm are actual and LITERAL - see the ORIGINAL gospel of John (google secret John) for this truth - these personalities combine and their interactions cause the entire Creation to unfold - some good way into this Creation process we learn indeed how and why YHVH is created and all the rest follows from that...All explained as said in the ORIGINAL disciple gospels - banned to you all as a damnable heresy by this gods religion as it vainly tried to hide the truth - but given freely always to those with ears to hear...[/QUOT
Faith is the Substance of things Hoped For!
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