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Old 10-02-2017, 01:30 AM
Amilius777 Amilius777 is offline
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This is literally everything I believe in. I've read a lot of Richard Rohr and now Ted Nottingham but I've contemplated on questions which answers I couldn't get from them and these are similar to the answers that have come to my mind.

When the early Christians said we were born "in sin" or suffering from "original sin" it was never meant to be a bad thing. It wasn't saying that we did anything wrong nor we were depraved.

It meant that Souls have chosen to experience a reality outside the presence of God, but it is not a true reality. It is a false reality. That is why we have a True self and false self. Adam and Eve came here to be the ones to get the ball rolling. You have to leave the nest to learn, develop, and grow up.

Unfortunately the main thing we suffer from in this 3rd dimension is Fear- false evidence appearing real, or false ego appearing real.

And yes definitely- some of us are old souls from a long journey of spiritual evolution and some are very new or newer souls from God. God is forever expanding and having "Children" like an infinite loving-all expanding Pervading Father-Mother.

I actually believe that many of the great Masters and enlightened Saints and mystics- Buddha, Teresa, Francis of Assisi, Lao Tzu, just to name the main ones were highly evolved old souls who grew in wisdom, knowledge, faith, and love through many lifetimes of growth and now flow in the oneness of the Christ Consciousness. Many of them are at higher levels of spiritually in the Heavenly realm. They've completed their sojourns in the Earth realm and some have come back time to time to be teachers or disincarnate Guides for the masses and individuals.

I would like to add that this since it is Mystical Christianity.

The Essenes were the only Jewish sect during the time of the 1st Century who were able to receive the "messiah". A lot of people kinda get confused with that word. And I've come to the understanding that messiah which means "The Anointed One" or Christ is not just a word for "a master" or just any holy person. You could say that there have been many Christs who walked the earth, people who had a conscious aware of the Christ-within and that Christ Consciousness worked through them to inspire and help others. But this is different.
What is so amazing and powerful to the point that you could be consumed by an avalanche of tears is who Jesus was.

I'd have to start with the Trinity. The Trinity: Father is Source, the Creator. The Son is that Creator's inner self consciousness and outwardly expressed and shared with all Creation. The Holy Spirit would be the Mother, the energy of the Father that brings forth all things. The Son is the Christ Consciousness or Christ-spirit both within and without us. Our very souls possess a consciousness which is a graft or a link to that overarching Universal consciousness. In that way we all share a oneness, we are parts of the Body of Christ.

Now God did not wait for a good person to get it right in order to express this great revelation. God decided in a way to break his own rules out of Love. We are meant to evolve on our own, no strings attached, left up to our own Free will in matter. But the Israelities who were the most devoted to God and agonizing for his presence brought a possibility. They didn't have a prophet for Four Hundred years and God coulda elected a spiritually gifted person in their midst for another great message or information. But no. This was different. This was planned from the beginning when Soul first began incarnating into Matter (since Adam and Eve). God decided to comfort these People and subsequently the whole world with what He/She/It moved to do.

From the very inner Life of the Divine, the Christ Consciousness or Christ Light (doesn't matter what word you use, it's just the 2nd Person of the Trinity), became a Soul individual. Meaning the Soul of Jesus was like our own soul, our own Self with a personality and unique creation from God to journey into God's expressiveness. The difference is that the Soul of Jesus and the Christ Consciousness were one and the same. Jesus didn't have the "Christ-within", he was the Christ communicating to us and speaking to us in a physical form. The Son of God, the 2nd Person, which is omnipresent and all-pervading- cosmic in the Universe; became a microcosmic individual entity who then became a physical human through the birth-death cycle we all go through.

That is why Jesus after his enlightenment did not say, "I have learned to become one with the Way" instead he said, "I am the Way". In his Soul while walking the Earth in a limited body could access the fullness of the Divine and any miracle or power could happen through him. But his human self and personality, his Soul tied to the body (son of man) needed to learn from temptation, trial, suffering etc. It wasn't until after his Baptism and desert trial could he manifest his Divinity. The reason is because the first 30 years of his life were him evolving his humanity and making sure it was perfectly attuned and in alignment with his all-pervading all loving Divinity. If Jesus had faltered he coulda become antichrist or a despot and lose connection with his divine Personhood. But since this was an Act of God, his entire Incarnation Jesus would prove that what God does, knows, and desired is always victorious.

Coming from Perfection, Jesus needed to return that gift back to our Source by becoming perfect in the flesh and proving himself.

A "messiah" is an Avatar. And there is always One promised to a particular Race or world in the universe. (That's my personal opinion). Jesus was the one given to us.

(God spoke through our ancestors first in prophets and kings but in these days he spoke through a Son). "A Son" is an avatar of the universal Son.

This is why so many religions point to the Sun in the sky as an emblem of God. It is not God Itself from beyond which would be the Transcendent Source, instead the Sun represents the Immanent Offspring of the Source in all creation which is the Source manifested in form and expression.

The fact that a perfect God-incarnate person walked the earth as one of us tells us- We are loved, it is good to be human, it is just School, there is nothing to Fear, there is no Death, we will become divinized in the End, and we all return to God divinely perfected in oneness with God.
Faith is the Substance of things Hoped For!
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