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Old 16-12-2016, 08:48 PM
dutchiexx dutchiexx is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 428
D-wave quantum computers are legit.

a while back i made a post about the new double slit experiment that was done, in a nut shell, it proved that our consciousness is what gives matter its form and structure, thus, creating our reality, it also showed us that there should be a infinite amount of alternate realities that are constantly splitting off and creating new time lines. so all in all, everything that can happen, will happen, and has already happened.
i stated that in theory, once we know exactly how our consciousness creates our reality then we, in theory, should be able to create a device that can mimic the effect a conscious mind has on matter/energy, thus, could possibly manifest solid matter right before our eyes, seemingly out of thin air.
well guys, this sounds impossible, i know, but researchers of these type of things have discovered the potential of quantum computing and are working on building these computers right now. the things these computers can do is not very far off from my theory of manifesting matter.

look into this yourself guys, i have not yet learned everything about this subject and i am still learning about it. try doing some searches for D-wave quantum computers, you will be amazed at what you find.

from what i understand so far is this: this computers processor works on the quantum level, meaning its bits can be a 1 and a 0 at the same time instead of only being able to be a 1 or 0 like today's computers.
this means that the computer can calculate all possible outcomes of any event instantly and tell you which event would be more likely to happen.
they will also be able to perfectly simulate anything you can imagine with 100% precision, for example, they could simulate every single particle in the entire universe along with every possible combination of these particles, they can simulate all of this instantly....imagine what we can do with these types of machines!
one company has already build a D-wave quantum computer and the things they are doing with it will leave you mind ****ed lol.

this company is doing some crazy stuff, forget about simulating a entire universe, that's to petty for them! what they are doing is very simular to what i spoke of before, see, they now understand that there is a inifinte or close to infinite amount of realities that exist, they understand that there is a alternate reality that is exactly the same as this reality down to every single particle except for one thing, the outcome of the "bit" that the computer processes, see, they understand that when this pc has the option to be a 1 or a 0, then the infinate reality theory says that a new time line or reality is created, these two realities will be exactly the same except for one detail, in one reality the bit will process as 1 and in the other, the bit will process as a 0.
so whats so great about this you may ask? check this, they understand that when realities branch off, this is where a nexus is....meaning its a point in space-time where two realities overlap each other....this means that they know they can literally "reach" into that alternate reality and pull back what ever they not sure on the details of exactly how they do this, from what i understand it is a very difficult and complex task to achieve anything with high precision, but give it time, i know people will master this sort of thing.
the beauty of it all is how impossible this all sounds, how ever, if you understand anything about the true nature of physics on a quantum level, then you would understand that these quantum laws actually tell us that this is the only possible way for everything to exist as it does. these quantum laws literally shows us how everything in existance works and that there is no other possible way for the universe and life to work as it pretty much does all the work for us and tells us exactly what we desire to know...doesnt matter what the question is, quantum physics will explain everything in a uniformed manner, without any room for error or doubt, every answer wo any question can be explained with 100% precision...all based on the basic laws of quantum physics...

i cant wait to see how all this unfolds.
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