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Old 23-05-2018, 02:53 PM
divinecouncil22 divinecouncil22 is offline
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Lightbulb What I've Learned After A Year On This Journey...

Hello! I wanted to post my essay about how to step into your union and why you should not be watching tarot readings on youtube/getting stuck in your twin flame "relationship" in the hopes that it might help at least 1 person here.

Your union is really with God (or Source or the universe or your higher self, I say God because it’s easiest for me to understand that way). It is not, I repeat not, with your twin - it’s more of coming into union with yourself. I think Jeff and Shaleia on youtube are the only twin flame couple that really even says this out loud. What you are doing is working on becoming the best and most whole version of yourself that your soul is on the inside, all on its own. And the hard part is that’s not at all about what your ego self thinks is best for you. It may even involve doing somethings your ego doesn’t like or hearing things that make your ego uncomfortable. It’s about making choices that “you” would not normally make for yourself, but the choices that your “higher self” or the God version of you would make to raise your vibration. Do you think your Godself would be watching youtube readings to see what your twin is up to or obsessing over them? No.

If you want to be high vibrational, you need to live as high vibrational as you can to attract the things that the universe or God has for you. If you are still getting upset by things people say to you or feeling triggered by the way someone treats you, then you need to go back to the drawing board, because with God, with unconditional love for your soul and the souls of those around you, nothing can really touch you (and sometimes it will try just to test you). If you are not in “union” more growth is required. You will not need your twin in the physical to be in “union” with everything and everyone around you. If your focus is on that man (or woman) then you are still responding to programming that says you need to be in love with one person to be happy - which goes really deep, I understand that. I’m not saying not to love your twin, but you should be loving them unconditionally. “Unconditionally” means love that does not change; it will not change if your twin is with someone else, it will not change if your twin is not giving you attention, and it will not change while you grow. If your love is unconditional, I can promise that it will not change and it will always be there to give you strength. Because you will need it! Forsaking everything that’s “of this world” and living a spiritual life or a new lifestyle - following your heart, whatever you want to call it - is not that easy these days. That’s why we have this person, this way to access that love. You will need that love inside you to guide you, but the pleasure of it should not be taking over your mind and your body every second of the day. I know this is not a very sexy message, but it’s true. This life is temporary, this body is temporary, any feelings that are below unconditional love are just temporary, so please try to remember that.

If you need to know what he or she is doing and be all up in their business, stop. Don’t do it. I know it’s hard to stop, that’s why it’s called “love addiction.” - look it up! I recommend Candace Van Dell, who is a youtuber who makes clear and concise videos about this topic. If you are a reader now, do not feel bad. You can help spread this message and you can help all the twins who watch you to break the cycle. I know this might hurt some people’s cash flows, but that’s not what abundance is, and no one is really explaining that very well. Abundance is in the mind, and it might require you working a job to pay the bills or doing things that require your service.

I’m not saying you can’t love your twin, but I am saying, you need to move forward if you ever want your shot at having them. It’s not going to help you to listen to what you want to hear over and over again, and it’s not going to help you to project your feelings on cards, just because you can see them in front of you. What will help you is to feel your feelings, process them (try journaling! or being creative!), to become conscious of the symptoms of your issues and to consciously choose to do something else. You’re not going to find fulfillment outside of you.

You can’t really trust group divinations, because there is just no way it will be 100% accurate for you without either setting your expectations up for something that is not happening for you, or projecting some storyline on you that you don’t even have to feel, or allowing you to project some story on your twin that might not even be true. And you’ll get to a point where you can’t really even trust your own dreams, because the subconscious and the collective subconsciousness, if it is not purified, will be a form of self-sabotage if you’re not also focusing on divinity and on humility and on helping others. Just try to stop watching readings for a week and be responsible for your own energy for a week and see what happens. Just try it and see. Please.

But there is a much bigger picture than our own lives to look at, and there is a much bigger mission going on around the world - to spread love and wake people up and be supportive of anyone you can. When you start feeling the grace of God and the “higher dimensions” you will see what I mean - we can’t forget the way we felt when we first found our twin - like every need was fulfilled, like we couldn’t ask for anything more than this moment, like we didn’t need food or anything else to be happy - and we need to remember that every second we are alive and awake. Because that feeling of love is all there is. Anything our little minds can come up with is really secondary. Any earthly, bodily pleasures like food or sex, any ego-driven stuff like watching a reading to be instantly gratified are not going to be able to replace that feeling. And more of that feeling only comes with progress of the soul.

As people with soul connections, we are supposed to be leaders in our communities and leaders in using our God-given gifts and leaders in service, and most of us are just sitting around on youtube. What’s that about?? I’ve been on the other side of this, I woke up and watched 20 videos on twin flames and ascension and the astral realms every single day, and it was fun, but it did not help me get to “5D.” Trying to live my purpose and live for God (or my job in the universe) and move where my heart takes me is the only way I’ve gotten anywhere. And I do know I reached somewhere, because I can no longer just sit around and watch people sleep in front of youtube readings like older generations have just vegetated in front of a TV. I know those people, like my parents and family and friends! And I was those people! And I still am sometimes, I’m sure. But It’s time to wake up again!

Nobody is getting left behind vibrationally, and in order for that to happen, we need to wake up and start bringing people with with who we can, and surprise!! If you’re reading this, I’m picking *you.*

There are people out there with twin flames and soulmates, and they do not sit around reveling in the pain - or the joys - of this stuff or putting labels on it. They are out there living and learning and telling people about it and helping people. That is what we are supposed to be doing, not watching readings or making readings. Love is uncertain, life is uncertain, it’s ordered chaos and that’s what makes it so exciting. When life hits you, you really cannot predict it. Before you met your twin, you couldn’t predict it. And When you do get a vision from God or the universe about the future, believe me, you will know it. So please search for the instability and hold onto nothing. Change up your routines and what you do every single day if you can to show up and be present in your life and try and attract new opportunities. Try all sorts of different ways of getting your blocks out of your body, watch out for the “seven deadly sins” (to me these are the basic human/bodily/animal traits we can overcome) and try to correct them in yourself, you need to meditate - a lot, like as much as possible - on your heart center and those feelings of unconditional love and how you can spread that love around the earth - energetically or otherwise. Meditate like God or the universe is watching you (because it is watching every single choice you make every single second), and help others whenever you can. You will find your love there.

If you’re watching all of these twin flame and soulmate videos or hanging out on twin flame message boards and forums, you are most likely waking up, which means you came here with a job and a responsibility to take care of your stuff and then take care of other people as God would as much as possible. Love God and Love your neighbor, that’s all Jesus ever said. It seems so easy, like why isn’t everyone doing this? Do not get sucked into these ideas of earthly love, because Divine love is really all around you just begging for you to feel it.

Stay strong! I hope you decide to live your life and care for others and care about the universe as much as it cares about you. Love is a stronger motivator than fear, and I think that’s why so many of us “woke up” with a soul connection, but we are not supposed to get stuck on it and keep thinking about it forever. Our minds simply cannot create or conceive of the joy that the universe wants to give us.

If you can’t do it for yourself or even for God right now, then fine do it for your twin. I’m not going to lie to you, that’s how I started, and I think I have taken the long way round. If you try and give the universe a chance to show you what you need to be shown, I promise you will see some kind of reward that shows you that you are on the right path. As you change, your twin will change, too; the universe will change things for you. If you know anything about quantum entanglement theory, you know this is science. At this point, with the internet as an example, we are all a little bit entangled, and as we each change focus, the shift will occur for others and for us. After a certain stage, you will know you’ve made progress, because you will not be able to turn back, you will actually be a different person and you can continue to change. Remember: It’s ok to fail or be wrong! You learn something from every failure. And it’s ok to feel pain, because only then will you learn and change something. We never got anywhere by being comfortable and hearing what we want to hear! If your twin hurt you, wouldn’t you take them back in a heartbeat? Well that’s how the universe or God feels about you! It’s waiting for you. Are you going to do the work required to go out and meet it?

Lastly, I know a lot of people aren’t doing this already for fear of “losing” their twin. Well, if your twin is really your twin, you will always be connected, and you will never lose them. I ask those people, how are you going to attract them and get to a space where you don’t need them if you’re still chasing them from afar?

I know this will be hard for a lot of people to hear, but I hope it wakes up at least one person to the love inside the soul and your connection to God (or the Universe or Source or Higher Self). I love you all!
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